Setting up a venue is very easy, however, from this document it may seem overwhelming at first. If you don't have time to setup your own venue, or just don't want to do it, let us know and we will be happy to setup the venue for you. We do charge a small setup fee based on the complexity of the venue.
The first step is to create an event. Once you have done that, select your event and go to Ticket-Pro in the left menu. On the Manage Ticketed Event tab you will see this link under Venue.
Now you will Add a New Venue. Give the venue a name and click Save.
Your venue now appears in the list. Click the Edit Template button for your new venue.
Now you will answer some questions about your venue in the Seating Setup Wizard. If you aren’t sure how to answer a question, click the green "?" button for help.
Help for that specific questions is displayed below after you click the button.
**We will be using this seating chart for the rest of the demo.
When you have completed the wizard and saved you should see the start of your seating chart on the screen. Notice at the top the system displays your total number of seats for the venue. Also, notice the location of the stage.
Your next step is to name your sections. These names will be used on tickets to help the audience find their seats.
**In our example seating chart, the sections are named Left, Center, and Right.
Now you will name the rows and columns of the seating chart.
**We will use the Left section as our example. Notice that the rows are letters and skip the letter I. And notice that the longest row (row L) starts at 101 and ends at 125.
Now enter the row names and column names in the chart.
After you have named the rows and columns for each section in that level, click the Save button for the level. You will see an alert telling you it is saved.
You should now notice that most of the rows are much too long because they are all as wide as your biggest row. To fix that, use the Remove Seats option. Make sure Remove Seats is highlighted and click on the seats to remove. As you click on the seats, they turn black to indicate they have been removed.
Notice for Row A in the Center section we have removed the seats at 10 and up because 9 is the highest seat number in that row. Row B has everything removed from 11 and up because 10 is the highest. Row C has everything removed from 12 and up because 11 is the highest.
Repeat those steps for all sections, removing seats from rows as needed. If you accidentally remove a seat and need to undo it, just click the seat again and the black color is removed.
Next, you will mark seats as handicapped. This designation is displayed in Ticket-Pro when people purchase tickets. Make sure Handicap Seats is selected and then click on any seats that should be marked as such. Seats turn blue to indicate they have been marked as handicapped.
Now we will tell Ticket-Pro how to display our sections.
**Notice in our example that the seats in the Center are centered to the stage where the seats in the Left Section are all shifted to the right and the seats in the Right section are shifted to the left.
You make those alignment selections just below the seats for each section.
Notice how that changes the layout in Ticket-Pro to look much more like our example seating chart. Now your venue setup is complete and this venue can be used for reserved seating on ticketed events!
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